
038: For The Teachers - Answering All Your Questions About Selling On TPT

online business podcast work from home May 22, 2024

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Making Money Online as a Teacher: Tips and Insights

Hey there, fellow educators! If you're a teacher looking to dive into the world of online income or curious about how teachers can leverage digital platforms, you're in the right place. In this episode, we'll explore various strategies for making money online as a teacher, from selling resources on Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT) to exploring new avenues like digital products and funnels.


Selling on Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT)

Let's start with the familiar ground of TPT. As many of you know, TPT is a fantastic platform where teachers can sell their lesson plans, worksheets, and activities. It's a lifesaver for educators who need quality resources tailored to their teaching needs. Using TPT effectively involves mastering Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by strategically using keywords in your titles and descriptions. This helps your resources get discovered by teachers searching for specific topics or activities.


Pricing Strategies

When it comes to pricing your products on TPT, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. However, here's a general guideline: aim to price your activities around $3 to avoid fees and ensure you get your deserved earnings. For more substantial materials like study guides or tests, consider pricing them higher based on the complexity and effort involved.


Selling on Your Own Website

While TPT is a powerhouse for sales, having your own website can be beneficial too. You can use platforms like WooCommerce to set up a store and sell your resources directly. However, keep in mind that the traffic and sales volume may not match what you'd get on TPT due to its widespread recognition among teachers.


Exploring New Avenues

Now, let's shift gears and talk about expanding beyond TPT. Consider creating digital products like units or lesson plan bundles and pricing them strategically for quick sales. Utilize social media platforms like Instagram with tools like Manychat for automated DMs to drive sales outside of TPT. Don't limit yourself to educational resources only; explore other niches like products for parents or specialized digital tools.


There are numerous avenues for teachers to make money online, from TPT to exploring new digital product opportunities. By leveraging SEO, strategic pricing, and expanding your horizons, you can create a thriving online business alongside your teaching career. Join us next week for more insights and updates on the exciting changes coming to the podcast!


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